Because of His Mercy!

A couple of weeks back one of our church preachers, Nick, spoke about Titus. Now, Titus was a book in the Bible I had never read before. Sure, I knew it was there, right between 2 Timothy and Philemon (which I will admit to not having read until recently either), but I had never given it much thought. It's a tiny little book, with all of three chapters. Perhaps that's why I had never given it the time of day. It's such a tiny book of the Bible, surely there isn't enough space in it's measly three chapters for anything of importance. Probably just waffle about the people of the time doing good/bad real nuggets of truth.
Through that sermon I learned to see the little book of Titus in a whole new light. I mean, right in chapter 3 and verse 4  and 5 is the entire message of the gospel, all nicely wrapped up in a nutshell...

Our Father in heaven didn't choose to save us because of anything we have or haven't done. He didn't choose to save us purely because of our righteousness...I mean, come on, who really is righteous enough to be saved on merit alone...only Jesus Christ. Not a single human, living or dead, could match up to the perfect image of Christ. If we were to be saved through righteousness, every single one of us would be left wanting! Sure, works are good, and God does ask us to do His work, but works are not everything.
No...God saved us because of His mercy, because of His love and kindness...
Verse 5 and 6 continue on, saying "He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit, whom He poured out on us GENEROUSLY through Jesus Christ our Saviour."
Our God GENEROUSLY, LOVINGLY, KINDLY and MERCIFULLY chose to save US, unrighteous sinners, and include us in the fold of His arms.
There is still so much more in the way of Biblical truth in the book of Titus, and I am relishing exploring it in my quiet time today.
So if you ever feel like you're not righteous enough, not pure enough, just not enough in general, then I encourage up your Word and read the little book of Titus to see the entire truth of the gospel displayed before your very eyes. Grab hold of that truth and never let it go...
You ARE enough for God!
Much love
Suse xx


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