Hi *tentatively waves at the empty room*

This blog is old...and I mean, really old. I started it way back in 2006 when it was called Life's Journey...I have 170 posts...and they are all in draft mode. I was going to republish them all, but then I thought, no. I want to start afresh. I want to begin a new journey. Some of the content will be much the same; craft projects, birthday parties, family life...that sort of stuff. But I also want to focus more on my walk with God. Thus the name change and the face lift (of the blog...I have NOT had a facelift!). I want this blog to be an outreach to people who are searching. A blog of encouragement and God-inspiration.
In some ways it is hard to start anew. There are things that stand in the way, and change is HARD. But in God, ALL things are made new.
I do want to make one thing clear... I am not perfect. I am FAR from perfect (just ask my hubby and kids!). I mess up...a lot. I have moments of complete and utter despair, when I feel like an utter failure at EVERYTHING. I fail God, I fail the people I love, I fail pretty much everyone. But that is okay because in my weakness He is strong. My failure makes me humble, and when I am humble, I make room for GOD, who is the epitome of perfection!
So walk this journey with me. I hope you will be encouraged by the words on this blog, the same way I hope to be encouraged by them as well.
Much love
Suse xx


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