This weeks Bible journaling adventures...

So, in my last post I bombarded you with words...lots and lots of words. This week I'm going to bombard you with pictures...lots and lots of pictures...
Since starting my Journaling Bible adventure, not even a week ago, things have taken off. Now, instead of reading the Word as something that I just have to fit in, it is something I think about ALL THE TIME! I can't wait to get into it, and God is revealing things in His Word to me that I never noticed before.
I encourage you, if reading the Word is "just another thing I have to fit into my day," then purchase a journaling Bible (you can get them as cheap as AUS$30 online at places like and and many other places...I think they are much more readily available in the US, but don't let that hold you back), grab some pens and stickers (or just pens if that's what you like) and start journaling through the decision I EVER made. Of course, you can still do it without a journaling Bible; just use your regular Bible and a notebook. That's how I started out before my journaling Bible arrived. Of course, you can jump on over to for plenty more hints, tips and inspiration :)
Anyway, now that I've thrown a few words at you, here are lots of pics of this weeks adventures in the Word...
This is the other side of the first Titus page I did in the last post...

A bit of chalking and inktense pencils...

Proverbs 29:18

Exodus 32:1
Philippians...oh man I love Philippians. This page focuses on Philippians 1 vs 20

Canvases are fun too :)

More Philippians...Philippians 2 vs 5 - 11

Just to show you can journal ANYWHERE...including when you're waiting for your car to have new tyres put on...
So, Philippians looks a bit full...Philippians 4 is FULL of God gems...I thought I had it all covered, but then realised I missed a rather important one...
Philippians 4:13...I had to add it on vellum over the top of the passage (it lifts like a flap) just to make it fit...I must say, I do love how my Philippians pages turned out...and best of all, I gained some wisdom, strength and insight into God's Word while doing it.
If you journal in your Bible, leave me a comment and a link to your blog...I love to see how everyone else expresses worship to the Father.
Much love
Suse xxx


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